Thursday, April 8, 2010

Let's Take It Up a Notch, Shall We?

So I saw this video today in which Sarah Palin's daughter, Bristol, she of the teen motherhood, basically transmitted the message that if you have money, fame, and support, and don't forget good looks, it makes all the difference in the world if you happen to find yourself pregnant when you are still a child yourself. If you don't meet these criteria, life isn't "pretty". And let me just say here, her idea of what is not pretty is a palace compared to some of the places I have seen children living in.

For some reason I can not get the link to show as a link...copy and paste, watch it, and then get back to me.

You know what I have to say to this.....BULLSHIT.

While money does make certain aspects of being a teen mother easier, it by no means insures an easy motherhood, childhood, or promises you a happy ending. There is also no doubt poverty, lack of education and opportunity bring their own hardships to the already daunting task of raising another human being and yourself at the same time.

No matter how you look at it, no matter your class or your race, loving and raising a child is one of the most daunting and gratifying tasks for those of us who have chosen-by chance or choice-to do, will ever face.

My intention in beginning Butterfly Flits was to create a dialogue, amongst my friends, about the issues of the day. For some reason this video really pissed me off and I decided it is probably time for me to begin to tell my story.

I am really tired of people thinking the key to success in life is money. I am tired of people believing they can not live through both their dreams and their nightmares. I am tired of the myth there are only certain paths to love, happiness, and fulfillment.

I am tired of people thinking children are a burden. They are a gift. I would know.

This so called PSA really flared my temper and raised my hackles high for some reason. I have been trying for a year now to figure out the best way to share the story I have to share and this stupid video sealed it all up for me.

From this point out Butterfly Flits is dedicated to introducing you to a family-my family. Most of you, at this point, already know the basics concerning the last three years of my life. I am not here to rehash all that.

I am now 36 years old. Since the age of 19, my life has been about two things: my son and, 8 years later, my daughter. I am a damn good mother the majority of the time, but, I made a lot of mistakes. I have lost them both. Don't be too quick to link the two former thoughts. They do not necessarily walk hand in hand at all times.

I have lived the last three years without my children in my arms and writing has been my only way to hold onto my mind and my love. I began to keep journals around the age of 8; one year after my father was murdered. I will not bore you with them because, for me, the story does not truly begin until I found out I was pregnant with my son, in 1993. Everything I lived through before this was just the dress rehearsal to make sure I would not forget my role, or my lines, in the upcoming life and death show.

I am going to expose myself to all of you in the hope that someone, somewhere, maybe one of you, maybe someone you share this blog with, will read our story, and know, feel, and continue to have faith in the fact there is always love and hope in this world. It is all around us at all times if we want to see it. It is hard at times I know. Believe me, it is there.

My kids taught me that. My kids have taught me everything.

My kids used to play this game with me. My daughter would look at me and say, "Charity, if I ran across a football field naked in the middle of a game, would you still love me?" I would always say, "Of course I would still love you. I would run after you and wrap a blanket around you but I would still love you." Then my son would say, "Mom, if I robbed a bank, would you still love me?" I would always say, "Of course, I would still love you. I would be disappointed in your choices and sad to lose you, but I would still love you."

The cliche you always hear about hind sight being 20/20.....well, it is not a cliche. It is true.

No matter where my child had to run to or what my child has done, I will always keep my word to them both, always love them both, and, now, hopefully, pass along all the important things I never would have learned without them, always, both.

Tomorrow I'll begin to introduce you to 19 year old Charity Lee and the beginning of......well, who knows that yet, right?

I may not be commenting much on here due to the fact I can't argue with my own words. They are where I was at at that moment in time. As always, please do have a discussion amongst yourselves. In today's world it is imposible to hide someone's identity but I will reveal none but mine, and, as time goes on, my children's. People will find out soon enough anyway.

Breathe. Here I go.

Popping my blogging cherry......

So here's the deal.

For those of you who have seen my Facebook posts, you know I have very strong opinions and a lot to say. I believe it is a congenital condition.

To those of you who have actually been physically near me, you know I have no problem letting you know where I stand on issues. I stand for many. I am living for more. I believe that too is a congenital condition.

Facebook is not the best medium for me when I have a lot in my mind and I always do. I have started Butterfly Flits to divert the overflow.

I would like everyone to please envision Butterfly Flits as the kitchen table in the home of a happy, loving, and well-functioning family having a lively after dinner discussion. Got your picture of that in mind? Good. Hold that thought.

I am sure, beyond any doubt, I will offend at least one of you at some point if you continue reading. I will not ever intentionally set out to do so and, upon rebuttal, I can assure you I will always be sharp yet kind. The high road always has the best view anyway. These are my thoughts, and my thoughts alone, shaped and honed by this amazing and horrible life I have been blessed to live in.

If you you see something another way, please, do start a discourse. Do not start a pissing contest, bitch fight, or avalanche of negativity. We are all human beings and we are all beautiful and amazing in our own special way.

There is enough bullshit in the world. Let's just sit and have a good conversation for a change.

Life is full of surprises you know.

I'll get the conversation started soon.

"Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson