Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Join in my performance word movement....

Making more progress than I thought--both today & then it seems.

June 10, 1993

A lot has gone on. I’m not even sure where to begin. I’ll just start somewhere and work my way out.

Tom and I have been talking again about 5 days now. I have a lot of mixed emotions about that. We seem to get along better but it is still uncomfortable at times. We are not back together as far as I know. I don’t even know if that is what I would want. So I think I’ll just keep talking and being real honest with him. I know I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to.

Beth left Gerald (sort of), fucked a 17-year-old fresh out of The Village (residential drug rehab), then really dumped Gerald, told me to fuck off, got her own apartment, and I don’t really know how she is because she has not really talked to me in two days, and I haven’t really wanted to talk to her. I’m not sure why that is.

I went to a 10pm meeting tonight to talk about it but no one had a clue when I said I needed to figure out how to let go of friend’s behaviors and not the friend. Someone said to remember behaviors are not people. I know that. How can I wonder how to let go of one and not the other if that were not obvious? I really need to find new meetings to attend.

Something else that is bothering me is I told my mom I wanted to wait to move back to Atlanta. I thought I did because I am scared but now, I am not so sure. Tom says it would be like walking into something I know is sick but family is a lot more dependable than the friends I’ve got here. So now I am not sure what to do about that.

I was so peaceful up until 2 or 3 days ago. I wonder where it all went?

PS...My ultrasound is tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll finally know if it’s a boy or a girl!!!!!! I can’t wait!!!!!!

June 12, 1993

I’m having a little boy!!! I knew he was going to be a boy! I was so excited when I heard. My mom cried. I can not stop smiling. So now I know I’m having a little Paris Lee. Now I do know, I can hardly wait for him to get here. I have my ultrasound on videotape. I’m going to send it down to Mama and Papasam to see. Papa was excited when I told him it was a boy. I think he’ll enjoy Paris a lot more than Austin or Andy.

Beth, Kristen, Tom, Christi F., Boyce, and Boyce’s friend Travis and I all went to the Kuumba Festival today. It was supposed to be a day for everyone to hang out as friends and lighten up but, of course, Tom can’t do that. He knew that Boyce was going and said nothing about it until we got to the festival. Then, in the middle of the festival, he tells me it hurt his feelings and he thought it very insensitive of me to invite both he and Boyce, even though Boyce and I are just friends. We went out to dinner once-months ago. I didn’t mind him telling me how he felt but I think it would have more appropriate to wait until later. I think it was insensitive of him to bring it up right there. It ruined my day needless to say. I was rather short with him and I just called to apologize for that. I’m also going to tell him I do not think we are going to be able to work anything out between us. I’ve come to realize lately I enjoy being single. Right now, I feel I have enough to commit to without adding more. Tom and I have a very different set of beliefs and they are not compatible enough for us to get along. That is too bad. I did not want to be his enemy. I don’t feel like his enemy but I don’t feel like his friend either. I guess things will have to go back to the way they were before.

June 13, 1993

Today was a little bit better than yesterday. I finally got caught up on some sleep that had been missed. I went to Baby Superstore and registered for my shower. I also bought a car seat and crib bunting. All I really need now is a stroller, playpen, mobile, and the little stuff.

I went to the 8pm meeting at Park 40. It was pretty good. The topic was tolerance of others. Pretty appropriate after yesterday I thought. I have not talked to Tom since I apologized for being short with him. Next time I talk to him, I’m going to tell him we have different ways of handling things and that does not make one of us right or wrong. I feel like in order to get along with Tom I have to sacrifice too much of what I like about myself right now to make it worthwhile. I could be wrong, but right now, I feel pretty inflexible about myself because this is the first time I have ever liked myself. It’s not that I don’t care about Tom. On the contrary, I care about him a lot. I do not think I love him. At least not like he says he loves me. I don’t think either one of us has put the past behind us. At least, I don’t think I have. Also, I know I am a pretty serious person but I think Tom is a lot more serious than I am. He can’t seem to lighten up around me. That’s too bad because there are times when I feel really loose. Maybe this last encounter will be what it finally takes for me to settle the Tom issue.

Beth seems to be doing okay. We haven’t really gotten into detail about it. I need to ask her how she is doing with everything. She went to the meeting with me tonight and Gerald and Neal were both there. She said it was uncomfortable for her.

It is time for Paris and I go to bed. Write to you later.